How Cat Fences Can Help You And Your Adopted Feline Friend

29 December 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Are you the owner of a rescued semi-feral cat? Does your cat try to get outside, but you're worried about him or her being hurt or killed while running around? Although allowing your cat to roam freely around your neighborhood may not be a good idea, it may still be possible to give your furry friend some of the freedom that he or she craves while still keeping him or her safe. Read More 

Three Tips For Hunting With Your Dog

10 November 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Going on hunting trips can be an extremely enjoyable and rewarding hobby that you can have. This can be especially true for those with hunting dogs as these trips can be a great chance to bond with your pet while also enjoying the thrill of the hunt. For those that are new to hunting with their dog, it may be wise to keep these few tips in mind. Give Your Dog A Refresher Course Read More 

What If Someone Has Your Lost Dog?

21 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you own a dog, you need to take all the precautions you can to keep it safe and protect it from getting lost. You should have a microchip containing their information implanted under their skin as well as having a detailed dog ID tag made for your pet. If your dog gets lost anyway, you need to know your rights if someone else takes possession of them.  Private Citizens Read More 

Snakes As Alternative Pets for Allergy Sufferers

13 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Are you allergic to most furry animals? Do you want to keep a pet but are thwarted by things like sneezing fits and watery eyes? Although furry animals are cute, they're not the only animals that can be kept as pets. Here are some reasons why you should consider corn snakes and other reptiles as a viable pet alternative: Needs little room: If you've ever even considered snakes as pets before, you may only have heard about snakes that get to be enormous, like boas or pythons. Read More 

5 Tips For Purchasing Food-Dispense Toys

12 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

 Purchasing a food-dispense toy for your dog is a great way to keep them entertained, as well as use their skills to get to the food that is stuck inside. Working out their skills in this way can help your dog to keep a strong mind and brain. Before purchasing one though, consider these five tips: Make Sure it's Durable: It's important that you purchase a food-dispense toy that is actually going to last a while before your dog rips it up. Read More